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BAPTISM & confirmation


The Apostle Paul spoke of being baptized "into Christ" (Rom. 6:3). He may well have had in mind that we are partakers of the grace of Christ through baptism, as well as being initiated into the fellowship that had its origin in Christ.

We are baptized into Christ's universal Church, not into a particular denomination or congregation. United Methodists, therefore, acknowledge the baptism of other Christian churches: those persons who transfer their membership from another denomination into our church are not rebaptized. For more information about membership, click here.

In the Methodist tradition, baptism holds deep significance as a visible sign of God's grace. It is a joyful entry into the Christian community and a lifelong journey of faith. Through the waters of baptism, we are cleansed, reborn, and welcomed into the family of believers. While Baptism may be administered by sprinkling, pouring, or immersion, sprinkling is the usual method in Williamsburg United Methodist Church.

Baptism is a sacrament. This means that baptism is a means of grace, a way through which God’s grace, love, forgiveness, and acceptance flow to us. Baptism is one of the two sacraments in The United Methodist Church. The other is the Lord’s Supper. In The United Methodist Church, we believe that baptism is something that God does—not what we do, it signifies God’s love for us and acceptance of us. In and through baptism, we are claimed by God and by God’s people. Those who receive Baptism are “marked as Christian disciples and initiated into the fellowship of Christ’s holy church.” Baptism marks the beginning of our journey of faith. As their part of the sacrament, parents and congregation promise to nurture the person in the faith using the vows and commendation of the Baptismal Covenant.

In the case of infants and children, the parents are asked to respond—not on behalf of their child, but for themselves. In the baptism vows, parents are asked to commit themselves to modeling a lifestyle of Christian discipleship that will give their child every opportunity to grow in the faith. It is the responsibility of the parents to keep a child under the ministry of the church. The officiating minister will ask these questions to the parents or other sponsors:
On behalf of the whole Church, I ask you:

  • Do you renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of this world, and repent of your sin?
  • Do you accept the freedom and power God gives you to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves?
  • Do you confess Jesus Christ as your Savior, put your whole trust in his grace, and promise to serve him as your Lord, in union with the Church which Christ has opened to people of all ages, nations, and races?
  • Will you nurture these children in Christ’s holy Church, that by your teaching and example they may be guided to accept God’s grace for themselves, to profess their faith openly, and to lead a Christian life?

Baptism brings us into the church. It makes us a part of the community of faith. It is not important that someone be baptized in a church building, but it is important that someone be baptized in the presence of the church (the people, the congregation).

In the baptism service, the congregation makes certain promises. The whole church commits itself to nurture this new member of the family with a Congregational Pledge:

  • Members of the household of faith, I commend to your love and care this child, whom we this day recognize as a member of the family of God.
  • Will you endeavor so to live that this child may grow in the knowledge and love of God, through our Savior Jesus Christ?
  • With God’s help we will so order our lives after the example of Christ, that this child, surrounded by steadfast love, may be established in the faith, and confirmed and strengthened in the way that leads to life eternal.



















Although confirmation is not a sacrament in the United Methodist Church, it is an important step along one’s spiritual journey. In the United Methodist Church, Confirmation is an opportunity for people to recognize God’s work of grace in their lives and embrace being disciples of Jesus Christ. 

At WUMC, students in the eighth grade and older participate in Confirmation Class each spring. Students meet weekly with the Associate Pastor to study and explore their faith. The six-week class culminates with an opportunity for members of the class to stand before the congregation and profess their faith. Confirmation is a day of commitment and celebration in the life of an individual and the church.


What does "confirmation" mean?

United Methodists use the term "confirmation" to mark the first time a baptized Christian publicly "confirms" their intention to live the vows of the baptismal and membership covenant and so becomes a professing member of the local congregation and The United Methodist Church.

Can I be confirmed more than once?

We expect that there may be several occasions during one's Christian life when one may wish to re-affirm or re-profess their commitment to live the baptismal and membership covenant faithfully. Doing so more than once does not change or add to one's status as a professing member in the Church. So, while we encourage people to re-affirm as they find need, we do not call any subsequent reaffirmations or re-professions "confirmation."

I wasn't confirmed when I was a teenager. Is it too late for me to be confirmed now that I am an adult? 

No, it is not. Remember, confirmation as such is not a process, though preparing for it should involve some kind of process. Confirmation is simply the first time a baptized Christian makes their public commitment to live out the baptismal and membership covenant among us and so become a professing member with us. You may be confirmed at 16, 60, or 92!

I am coming to The United Methodist Church as a confirmed member of a church in another denomination. Do I need to be confirmed again?

No, you do not. While we do ask that all persons seeking to become professing members in The United Methodist Church publicly profess our baptismal and membership vows, we do not call that process "confirmation" for those who are coming to us as "confirmed" or "full" members of other Christian denominations. We, as do many of our ecumenical partners, call it "reception." We will also offer you a process to orient you to life in our version of the baptismal covenant and in the wider life of the congregation, the district, the conference, and the denomination.