Respite Care is open 11:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. We offer an enriched afternoon with social, physical, and psychologically engaged activities such as:
Music - Arts and Crafts - Exercise - Memory Books - Nutritious Snacks - Games - Educational Talks - Therapeutic Gardening - Reminiscing Discussions
Respite has a simplified, tiered, monthly tuition plan based on the number of days the member chooses to attend per week, as shown below.
One day a week = $270/month
Two days a week = $540/month
Three days a week = $810/month
Four days a week = $1,080/month
Five days a week = $1,350/month
Respite tuition payments are due in advance at the beginning of each month. Payments can be made by check (payable to Respite WUMC), by credit card or EFT through this website, or by setting up automatic payments with your bank. Financial assistance may be available through the Peninsula Agency on Aging (PAA) if means are limited, because Respite is a contracted partner for Adult Day Services with PAA. To inquire, contact PAA at (757) 345-6277. The Respite program itself is also able to offer some need-based scholarships. Members should contact Heiki Williams, Respite’s Manager, for eligibility and availability (757) 920-5537. Tax-deductible contributions to Respite Care are always welcome.
An interview will be scheduled with the care partner and Respite candidate for suitability assessment. Upon acceptance, an enrollment packet will be supplied, and your preferred attendance days will be discussed. Kindly fill out and return the enrollment packet. For scheduling or further details, please contact Heike Williams, Respite Manager, at (757) 920-5537.
Donations should be made payable to WUMC Respite and mailed to: WUMC Respite 500 Jamestown Rd, Williamsburg, VA 23185. If you wish to donate directly to the Scholarship Fund, please designate this on your donation check.
Our Respite Care program is more than just a service; it's a vibrant community filled with creativity, engagement, and heartwarming stories. That's why we're thrilled to offer our quarterly newsletters, a window into the soul of our community. If you would like to receive our communications, please email our Respite Manager,
2024 Newsletters
2023 Newsletters
Caring for a loved one is a journey that no one should walk alone. It's a path filled with both challenges and rewards and having the right resources can make all the difference. That's why we've curated a selection of valuable support options for caregivers. From assembling a caregiving team to finding emotional support, these resources are designed to guide, inform, and uplift you every step of the way. Click the links below to learn more.
Assembling a Caregiving Team
Caring for a loved one can be overwhelming, impacting caregivers' mental and physical well-being. Studies show caregivers face depression, stress, and health risks. This burden intensifies for those caring for individuals with Alzheimer's, lasting for years. The Family Caregiver Alliance reports that 78% of home care is provided by family and friends. Isolation often accompanies long-term caregiving, worsening the caregiver's health. To ease this burden, a team approach is crucial. Don't wait for a crisis; seek help along the way.
click here for a caregiver support plan
Caregiver Support Group
Sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association, this group meets the second Thursday of each month from 11:00am-12:15pm in the Williamsburg United Methodist Church Resource Library Room. Complimentary care is available for your loved one at Respite Care of WUMC during the meeting; however, pre-registration is required. Please contact Heike Williams, Respite Manager, at (757) 920-5537 if you would like to bring your loved one to Respite Care during the Support Group Meeting. For questions on the Support Group, contact Katie McDonough, Alzheimer’s Association, at 757 459-2405,
Spouse Support Group
Spouse Care Partner Support Group meets on the first Tuesday of each month from 11:45am-1:00pm in the WUMC Parlor
As a spouse, your challenges are unique. Would you like an opportunity to discuss candidly, what is on your mind with other spouses that bring their partners to Respite? Bring your loved one to Respite Care (even if it is not their scheduled day) and enjoy some time with others in your situation. Bring a bag lunch from home for your loved one if they are attending Respite during the meeting. If it is not your loved one’s day to attend Respite, pick them up by 1pm, there will be no charge assessed. Please use the second door by the restrooms for drop off and pick up to reduce disruption for others staying all day.
RSVP to Heike Williams, Respite Manager, at (757) 920-5537 or
if you plan to attend and let her know if you will be bringing your loved one.
Bereavement Support Group
Bereavement Support Group “Honoring the Journey” meet the second Wednesday of each month from February to May
February 12 - Introductions & Story-Sharing
March 11 - The Unpredictable Journey of Grief
April 8 - Healing of Mind, Body and Spirit
May 13 - Soul-tending Practices
While bereavement support group is created for those who have experienced the loss of a loved one to extended illness, all are welcome. You can come for any session. While there are planned topics, we keep an open forum: brief devotion, reflections on the day’s topic, open conversation, and a brief closing prayer. We find healing through sharing our stories with one another, but we respect an individual’s desire to listen without sharing. Healing, hope and renewal can be found through honoring each individual’s unique grief process, recognizing that it is a journey that takes as long as it takes. For questions about the Support Group, contact a facilitator: Deacon Francis Roettinger,
, Nancy Rivero 206-1943, or Pastor Meghan Roth Clayton,
229-1771 ext 261.
Virginia Family Caregiver Solutions
Since 2001 Virginia Navigator and their family of websites have been the trusted nonprofit resource for older adults, people with disabilities, veterans, and their caregivers and families. Search their resource directory of 26,000 programs and services to connect with local, statewide, and national resources to help you navigate your journey.
browse their resources