Missions + Outreach

"The ministry of all Christians consists of service for the mission of God in the world." The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church, 2016 

WUMC's Local and Global Ministries take this call seriously, offering hands-on opportunities to meet the needs of "the least of these." We also support local and global ministries through financial gifts, including budgeted giving and special offerings throughout the year. This crucial mission involves the entire church, not just committees. Explore ways to get involved below and join us in making a difference!

Local Outreach

Welcome to the epicenter of community involvement at Williamsburg United Methodist Church! Our Local Outreach Committee serves as the cornerstone of our commitment to embodying Christ's love beyond our sanctuary walls. We firmly believe that faith is not merely a personal journey but a transformative force that compels us to engage with the world around us.

Through a wide array of volunteer opportunities, we strive to be the hands and feet of Christ in our local community. From food drives and winter coat collections to specialized programs for the marginalized, we offer avenues for everyone to get involved. Our initiatives are designed to provide immediate relief, foster long-term relationships, and empower individuals and families toward self-sufficiency.



Welcome to the global mission arm of Williamsburg United Methodist Church! Our Global Outreach Committee is committed to extending the love and teachings of Christ to corners of the world far beyond our local community. We recognize that our call to serve doesn't stop at our doorstep; it transcends borders, cultures, and languages.

Our global initiatives range from missionary sponsorships and disaster relief efforts to educational and healthcare projects. These endeavors aim not only to meet immediate needs but also to lay the groundwork for sustainable development and spiritual growth in communities around the world. By aligning ourselves with reputable organizations and local partners, we ensure that our impact is both meaningful and enduring.

Volunteering in our global outreach programs offers a unique opportunity to broaden your horizons and deepen your faith. Whether you're contributing financially, offering prayers, or considering a mission trip, your involvement is a vital part of our church's worldwide ministry.


Mission work lies at the heart of our community. Our congregation is deeply committed to serving others, both locally and globally, and we believe in sharing the transformative stories that emerge from these missions. Through these experiences, we witness the power of compassion, faith, and action in making a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals and communities.

wumc mission stories

Honduras Mission Trip

Join us as Lily and Judy Alexander, cherished members of our community, share their heartfelt reflections on their recent mission trip to Honduras. In this touching video, they recount their profound encounters with the resilient people of Honduras, who, despite facing immense challenges, radiated grace and kindness, finding blessings in the simplicity of their lives. Lily and Judy eloquently express the transformative impact of their journey together, both personally and spiritually, as they witnessed the power of faith and compassion amidst adversity. Their testimony serves as a poignant reminder of the profound connections forged through shared experiences of service and love.


Hope in the Mountains

Listen as Gary Hartsog with Covenant Partner, Hope in the Mountains shares the story of a young mother who visited their clinic in search of help. She's returned many times but not for further assistance. She's gone back to offer the same love and care she received to others in need. Her transformation embodies the essence of God's will in action—a testament to the power of compassion and community. It's stories like hers that reaffirm our commitment to partnering with missions such as Hope in the Mountains, as we strive to extend a hand of hope to those who seek refuge and solace.



Angelo Maker, Founder and Director of Operations of Abukloi, is among the 3,000 orphans called The Lost Boys of Sudan who were brought to this country by the United States government in 2001. His village in Rumbek was attacked during the civil war that escalated in Southern Sudan in 1983, a war that claimed over two million lives. Angelo now resides in Newport News, VA with his wife, Stephanie, and their three young children. He has a double Bachelor's in International Relations and Political Science from Old Dominion University and a Master’s from Regent University. Angelo has been to WUMC many times to speak of his country and our partnership.  This clip is from our most recent Covenant Dinner where we also heard from the Ambassador of South Sudan.

more about their programs


As the humanitarian relief and development arm of The United Methodist Church, the United Methodist Committee on Relief – UMCOR – assists United Methodists and churches to become involved globally in direct ministry to persons in need. UMCOR comes alongside those who suffer from natural or human-caused disasters – famine, hurricane, war, flood, fire or other events—to alleviate suffering and serve as a source of help and hope for the vulnerable. UMCOR provides relief, response and long-term recovery grants when events overwhelm a community’s ability to recover on their own. UMCOR also provides technical support and training for partners to address emerging and ongoing issues related to disaster relief, recovery, and long-term health and development.


Rise Against Hunger

At Rise Against Hunger, It Starts With a Meal, and it leads to resilience, self- sufficiency, education, empowerment and bright futures in communities worldwide. Everyday Rise Against Hunger meals are served around the globe in medical clinics, vocational training programs, elder care facilities and schools just like this. Each meal is a moment to celebrate! Join us as we continue to make a difference in the world through our partnership with Rise Against Hunger. Together, we not only provide essential meals to those in need but also foster a sense of community, joy, and purpose. We hope you'll join us for our 2024 packing event, where we'll come together for a day of service, fellowship, and fun as we pack meals that will nourish bodies and spirits alike.


Winter Shelter

For over a decade, your generosity has fueled our partnership with the Community of Faith Mission (COFM), dedicated to supporting the homeless during harsh winter months. Through your gifts and volunteer efforts, WUMC has opened its doors to provide warmth, safety, and compassion to our unhoused neighbors. Together, we offer shelter, nourishing meals, and essential amenities, staying vigilant through the night to ensure their well-being. This ministry is an intergenerational opportunity, with Youth having dedicated nights to serve alongside others, fostering a spirit of community and care.

LEARN MORE ABOUT this vital mission