Chancel Flowers spread beauty in our sanctuary in honor or memory of an occasion or person(s). Those wishing to express their love and appreciation are welcomed to do so by completing the information below and submitting payment electronically or by submitting a check to the church office. Payment option details will be shared via email once you have submitted your form.
Are you hoping to reserve a space at the church for an upcoming event or meeting? Be sure to visit our Building Use Form for important information regarding securing your space. Use our Work Order Form for Facility Maintenance requests.
This is your combined Policy & Procedures Board of Trustees document. All policies, procedures, and references within the manual are aligned with the guidelines outlined in the United Methodist Church Book of Discipline. All members of WUMC community are responsible for protecting the security, confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information entrusted to them, and for taking affirmative steps to prevent unauthorized disclosure or loss. The Information Assurance policy, included in this manual, sets forth the security requirements that all members of WUMC community must follow to meet that responsibility.
The implementation of Safer Sanctuaries enables faith communities to be empowered and flourish as they develop and implement policies and procedures that make everyone safer.
Your contributions help us keep our congregation and community informed and engaged. Please use the link below to access our content submission form and share your news with our dedicated Communications Team.
The Endowment Fund of WUMC was established to provide members and friends the opportunity to make charitable gifts that will become a permanent endowment of the church. Income from the Endowment Sub-Funds is intended to supplement programs and ministries of WUMC not funded through the Annual Operating Budget. Completed grant requests must come from an Administrative or Ministry Committee to the WUMC Church Council for review and recommendation.
Please complete the below forms 3 months prior to your wedding. Online forms can be found here. We look forward to being a part of this joyous occasion and helping you create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.
Chair: Barbara Monteith
Vice-Chair: Anne Hardister
Secretary: Mike Johnson
Church Treasurer: Chalonnes Hoover
Lay Leaders: Dianne Colestock; Harley Knowles
United Women in Faith President (elected by UWF): Linda Upshaw
United Methodist Men Coordinator (elected by UMM): John Tressler
CARE Team: Elaine Howell, Karen Red
Congregational Care: Janet Henke
Global Outreach: Vacant
Local Outreach: Vacant
Memorial Garden: Janet Henke
Stewardship Team: Ken Hook
Welcome & Hospitality: Laura Viancour, Linda Upshaw
Worship: Rita Welty, Betsy Harrison
Youth/Young Adult: Vacant
KMO: Gerald Harrison (Board Chair)
Respite Care: Deborah Hewitt (Board Chair)
ECMS: Anthony Williams (Staff Director, non-voting)
Endowment: Alison Foley
Finance: Tom Justice
Nominations & Leadership Development: Dave Rochford
Staff / Pastor Parish Relations: Fran Wilkinson, Paul Robbins
Trustees: Russ Henke
Lead Pastor: Dave Rochford
Associate Pastor: Meghan Roth Clayton
Minister of Discipleship: Troy Sims
Director of Music Ministries: Lou-Anne Smith
Associate Director of Music Ministries: Anthony Williams
Family Ministries Coordinator: Zach Griggs
Lay Members to Annual Conference: Angela Johnson, Mike Johnson
Alternate Lay Members: Linda Upshaw
Lay Members to District Conference: Bud Rhodes, Linda Rhodes
District Board of Missions Representative: TBD
District Steward: Tom Justice