A relaxed, welcoming space where we gather as a community to share a meal and explore our faith together. We're saving you a seat atThe Table

lighting the way

2025 Capital Campaign: Creating a Legacy of Faith. Envisioning a Future of Possibility.

Williamsburg United Methodist Church has always been more than a building. It’s YOU—our congregation—that bring the church's mission to life.

For more than two centuries, our church has been a beacon in the Williamsburg community, shining through worship, service, and outreach. Our campaign is not just about maintaining a building—it’s about ensuring that we can all continue making a difference through the 90+ ministries that serve our congregation, community, and beyond.

With your help, we will ensure that WUMC remains a place where lives are transformed, faith is nurtured, and the love of Christ reaches beyond our walls.

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what we've accomplished thus far

Building on Our Legacy with a Commitment to Ministry, Mission, and Our Future

Williamsburg United Methodist Church has a long and faithful history of ministry in our community. Our church has served as a place of worship, public service, and Christian fellowship since the 1700s, adapting and growing to meet the needs of our local community and the world around us.

We are so grateful for the generosity and faithfulness of our congregation during the Legacy Campaign (2020-2023), which allowed us to complete numerous critical projects noted in our Legacy Highlight Video recap. Please watch this to see how your giving has made a transformative impact relating to structural safety, energy efficiency use, and beautification needs of our church!

2020 - 2024 completed projects

Worship & Gathering Spaces

  • Fellowship Hall & Atrium Redesign – Spaces renovated and reequipped to better serve Family & Youth Ministries as well as The Table, our new dinner-and-worship service. Included new sound system, LED lighting, carpet, paint and a stage ($189,000, with $33,000 from Endowment Funds).
  • Sanctuary & Transept Repairs – Ceiling restoration, windowsill repairs, and wall painting to enhance the beauty and longevity of our worship space ($21,500).
  • New Children's Ministry Space – Converted our Parlor into a dedicated space for children’s worship and activities ($2,400).

Structural & Safety Improvements

  • Atrium Skylights & Roof Replacement – Repaired long-standing leaks in the Atrium, Fellowship Hall, and kitchen roofs ($180,000).
  • Banner Entrance Reconstruction – Addressed major structural issues and replaced rotted wood ($22,400).
  • Steeple Repairs – Eliminated decaying wood with support from T-Mobile and a crane they provided to the church at no cost ($66,000).
  • Hallway Restoration – Replaced rotted baseboards and repainted the corridor behind the Sanctuary ($1,250).

Energy Efficiency & Systems Upgrades

  • Electrical Switch Gear Replacement – Upgraded the 1962 electrical system to ensure safety and expand capability ($78,000).
  • Energy-Efficient Lighting Installation – Installed LED lighting in stairwells, the Sanctuary, and exterior spaces (including the parking lot) for improved visibility and on-going cost savings ($26,000).

Water Damage Repairs & Facility Upkeep

  • Choir Room Water Intrusion Remediation – Remediated long-term leakage issues, included a new ceiling and repainting ($10,500).
  • Youth Kitchen & Classrooms – Renovated the downstairs kitchen due to water damage and wood rot, adding a new sink, countertops, refrigerator, and stove while refreshing the youth space ($3,850).
  • Wesley Hall Renovation – Installed new LED lighting, repaired woodwork, and repainted walls ($4,500).
  • Education Building Room 303 – Converted a neglected storage room to a functional meeting space, adding a new ceiling, lighting, blinds, and fresh paint ($4,100).

Expert Oversight: Engineering Services – Provided expert guidance for project planning and bidding, including for the upcoming HVAC replacement throughout the 1962 building ($82,487).

Collectively, these investments total $691,987

lighting the way forward

Our 3-Year Lighting the Way Capital Campaign

Our mission isn’t just about bricks and mortar. It’s about YOU, our congregation, equipped to do God’s work. This next phase of the Campaign is about ensuring WUMC remains a beacon for generations to come. While we have made great progress, we now turn our attention to the next set of urgent repairs and improvements.

Our goal is to raise $1.7 million to complete the necessary projects detailed below. We recognize that generosity looks different for everyone, so we have established a three-year campaign, giving you the flexibility to fulfill your commitment over time in a way that works best for you. Whether you choose to give a one-time gift or spread your contributions across multiple years, every gift makes a lasting impact.


We invite you to Watch the Video to learn about the next phase of our Capital Campaign and the key renovations still ahead.

Lighting the Way projects

  • Boiler & HVAC System Replacement – Ensuring efficient heating and cooling. Engineering has been completed. Additional work will begin in June.  ($304,800 is still needed).  
  • Mini-Split HVAC for Chapel – Enhancing climate control for smaller gatherings ($25,000).
  • Parking Lot Repaving & Sidewalk Repairs – Providing safe and accessible entry to our church ($276,000).
  • Steeple & Exterior Repairs – Addressing structural wear and preserving our building ($105,000).
  • Window and Lintel Repair or Replacement – Restoring aging windows and structural supports ($114,000).
  • Jamestown Rd. Atrium Entrance Repair – Replacing deteriorated wood with durable materials ($14,000).
  • Security & Safety Enhancements – Installing security cameras and upgrading doors ($61,000).
  • Scout Room & Men’s Restroom Renovation – Restoring these well-used spaces ($20,000).
  • Capital Reserve Fund Replenishment – Preparing for future maintenance needs ($500,000).
  • Electrical and Plumbing Upgrades & Painting – Modernizing systems and maintaining our facilities ($60,000).
  • Engineering Services & Contingencies – Covering essential design, planning, and unexpected costs ($220,200).

 giving above & beyond

Your giving fuels this mission—but giving to the Campaign must not replace your ongoing tithes and offerings. Our worship, outreach, and community programs are sustained by regular giving. Please do not allow facility needs to take away from the life-changing work that happens each day through your regular giving.

That’s why this Capital Campaign is about giving above and beyond your normal tithe. It’s an investment in the future of WUMC’s ministries, and you have up to three years to fulfill your commitment in a way that works best for you. Whether you choose to give all at once or spread your gift over time, every contribution will help us complete the critical projects that sustain our mission for the sake of future generations.

Ways to Help

You can support Lighting the Way by:

  • Making a commitment now: COMITT NOW
  • Making a one-time gift or set up a recurring donation to spread your commitment over time: GIVE NOW
  • Mailing a check to the church office with "Capital Campaign" in the memo.

Your generosity ensures that the light of Christ continues to shine through WUMC—for years to come.

If you have any questions about contributing to the Capital Campaign, please contact Barbara Blanton, WUMC Finance Manager. 

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Because WUMC is Here: Voices from Our Church Family

What if Williamsburg UMC Wasn't Here?

For Jeanne, that question isn’t just hypothetical—it’s personal. From welcoming refugee families to feeding children in need, our church is a vital force for good. Read her powerful reflection on why our church home matters.


Preserving Our Home for Generations to Come

Sixty-two years of ministry. Thousands of worship services, scout meetings, and support groups. But after decades of wear and tear, WUMC faces critical needs. Russ shares why it’s time to act—to preserve the heart of our church for generations to come.

READ his story here

A Legacy of Faith: Investing in Our Future

From a horse barn to the highest steeple in town—our story has always been one of courage, community, and faith. Rev. Dave Rochford shares a powerful reflection on the journey of Williamsburg United Methodist Church, reminding us of our roots as we look toward an inspiring future.

READ his STORY here


Did you know Williamsburg United Methodist Church has played a key role in the success of Virginia’s oldest continuously operating Boy Scout Troop? Learn more about the enduring partnership and profound impact WUMC has made on generations of Scouts in Troop 103.