Welcome to our scholarship page! At ECMS, we are passionate about fostering education and supporting aspiring individuals in pursuing their dreams. We are proud to offer two scholarships to deserving students: the F. ELEANOR MOUL AWARD, designed to empower aspiring keyboard and piano students in honor of Eleanor, and our contribution to the Jessie Elizabeth’s Scholarship Fund, which enables children to attend classes on-site with reduced or no cost to parents. Learn more about these opportunities below, and don't hesitate to apply via the scholarship form linked here.

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offered to financially disadvantaged familieS

We extend tuition scholarships to qualifying financially disadvantaged families, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to participate in our classes. Your contribution to the Jessie Elizabeth’s Scholarship Fund makes it possible for a child to attend classes on-site either at no cost to parents or at a reduced cost.

The Jessie Elizabeth Scholarships rely exclusively on donations and fundraisers to support this initiative. Your donations are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated. If you'd like to contribute, you can make your check payable to ECMS, specifying "Jessie Elizabeth" on the memo line. Alternatively, visit our online store to make a donation by credit card.

We welcome contributions of any amount. Please take note of the suggested sponsorship levels:

  • For children aged 2 to 17 months: $115 covers a semester, or $225 for the full year.
  • For children aged 18 months to 3 years: $160 covers a semester, or $310 for the full year.
  • For children aged 3 to 6 years: $175 covers a semester, or $415 for the full year.
  • For children aged 6 to 9 years: $215 covers a semester, or $435 for the full year.

Your support ensures that financial barriers do not hinder a child's access to the enriching experience of music education. Join us in making a positive impact on the lives of these young learners.

F. Eleanor Moul Award

offered to aspiring young musicians

F. Eleanor Moul's musical journey began at a young age, mastering the intricacies of the 5-manual pipe organ while attending Catholic school in York, PA at just 7 years old. Throughout her formative years, she served as the principal accompanist for weekly masses, showcasing her exceptional talent and dedication.

Her passion for music extended beyond the organ; at age 9, she embarked on piano instruction, ultimately finding it to be her most cherished instrument. Eleanor's musical contributions were diverse and widespread: from providing melodies for scout meetings and special ceremonies to crafting beautiful pieces for weddings and supporting her children during their musical endeavors.

In honor of Eleanor's legacy and her unwavering love for music, we are proud to introduce the F. Eleanor Moul Scholarship. This scholarship aims to support aspiring keyboard and piano students, providing them with the necessary funds to pursue their musical aspirations and follow in Eleanor's footsteps.