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Hope in The Mountains Youth Retreat

Hope in The Mountains Youth Retreat

August 9, 2024 12:00pm

Contact: Troy SimsTroy Sims | 757-229-1771 ext. 258

Where: Williamsburg UMC and local area (transportation provided during retreat)

Age: open to students who have completed 6th - 12th grades

Cost: no cost to participate, estimated $30 spending money

Youth are invited to a weekend retreat in Williamsburg! This is a joint retreat between WUMC and Hope in the Mountains designed to grow relationships between our Youth as they encounter students from different locations, backgrounds, experiences, and dreams. Together, we will have fun around Hampton Roads as we visit Busch Gardens, Jamestown Settlement, Ft. Monroe Beach, and more. We will encounter God is worship and devotion together, play games, share meals, and spend the weekend in set apart time to grow friendship and faith.

The retreat will begin Friday, at 12:00pm, with lunch at WUMC and will finish after the 11am worship on Sunday at WUMC. Friday and Saturday nights will be spent sleeping on air mattresses in the church basement (we have showers on site), and all transportation and meals during the event will be provided.

All chaperones and leaders from WUMC and Hope in the Mountains will undergo background checks and training in accordance with our Safe Sanctuaries policy.


**Student Activity Form is required for all participants. Zach will email you after registering to confirm information/fill out the form as needed.

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