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Manifesting God's Love Through Giving


You are part of a congregation on a mission to humbly and boldly look more like Jesus. Collectively, our financial generosity multiplies the hope and heartbeat of Jesus—in our local communities and across the globe—through irresistible love, generosity, and unity.

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Giving Is an Act of Worship and Devotion, a tangible way to express our gratitude and commitment to God and to the community we serve. It's not just about keeping the lights on or funding programs; it's about fueling a mission, making a difference, and leaving a lasting impact. When we give, we participate in the divine act of love and generosity, echoing the grace we've received.


Freedom For The Giver

We give because He first gave to us, and we want to bring our first and best to Him. How has God been generous in your life? How have you shared that generosity with others? We have seen God's hand at work in our church family, as Lily Alexander shared during our "An Attitude of Gratitude" Series.

Let Lily's testimony inspire us to continue embodying an attitude of gratitude and generosity in our lives. May we always remember that freedom truly lies in the act of giving, mirroring the boundless generosity of our Creator. Let us go forth, empowered by His grace, to spread love, kindness, and generosity wherever we go.

Provision For The Vision

"A few years ago, a seminary classmate sent me a unique birthday greeting: “Happy Birthday to the Cheapest Man on the Planet.” I initially felt complimented. The well-wisher drove an ancient Volvo like mine; we’d once playfully one-upped each other with frugality techniques. But in time, I grew concerned: is this how I want to be remembered? Because God is calling me to become a new creature in Christ, and CHEAP just isn’t part of that build-sheet! 

So I have wondered what is it that stands in the way of our becoming the kind of generous people that we admire, or even aspire to be. I just don’t think it’s stinginess for most of us. But it could be the noble desire to provide for and leave a generous legacy for our families." ~ Pastor Dave Rochford

Listen as Pastor Dave turns to First Timothy 6:17-19, and imagine leaving those whom we love most with the best legacy of all: one of courageous and joyful example.

Contributions of STOCK & other securities

Contributions of stock to Williamsburg United Methodist Church (WUMC) are processed by Davenport & Co.  Davenport will receive shares of stock from your broker, sell the stock, and transmit the proceeds to WUMC.

To contribute stock to WUMC please complete the form at the link below. 

If you have any questions about contributing stock to WUMC, please contact Barbara Blanton, WUMC Finance Manager. 

stock contribution form


As we look back at the church’s legacy in this unique location and celebrate what WUMC is today, it is evident that we are not simply celebrating the church. We are celebrating each other, the accomplishments we have shared as part of this ministry, and the future of our church.

Extending our blessings beyond our own lives is an intrinsic part of Christian stewardship. If the Williamsburg United Methodist Church has played a vital role in your life --- in times of joy and difficulty --- you can help to continue its vital ministry and mission.

Your gifts to the Church both now and after your lifetime can make your church home stronger and more responsive to the needs of generations to come. Your gift to The Endowment is a wonderful way for the Church to remember you or someone you love.

Why Endowment

One of the many blessings of Williamsburg United Methodist Church is its strong and dedicated group of members. The Church recognizes that many members desire to include Williamsburg United Methodist Church in their planned lifetime giving and estate planning programs. To support giving in this way, the church has created The WUMC Endowment: three special endowment funds to which planned gifts can be made.

Funds Within The Endowment

  • THE GENERAL FUND: Income earned on this fund is used to sustain the ministries of education, Christian services; the nurture of children and youth; and faith formation for all ages.
  • THE THIRD CENTURY FUND: Income earned on this fund is used to maintain the beautiful sanctuary and the various facilities of the Church and enhance the campus for generations to come.
  • FRANCES L. RICHARDS MEMORIAL FUND: Income earned on this fund is used to provide financial assistance and support to members of the Williamsburg United Methodist Church family in their time of need.

A new Endowment fund may be named in memory or honor of a designee with a gift of $25,000 or more. Please consult with The Endowment committee for details of establishing a new fund.

Perhaps the greatest reward of giving to The Endowment is the knowledge that the gift, regardless of its size or form, will continue to assist the ministry at Williamsburg United Methodist Church as it proclaims the good news of the Christian faith to generations well into the future.

How Can I Participate

The best gift is one that is appropriate to your particular interests and circumstances. Gifts of all sizes are important and valued. You may choose to make a gift of cash, securities (marketable or unmarketable, appreciated or those with a loss), charitable gift annuities, insurance proceeds, or other real or personal property, and your estate may receive a tax deduction for your charitable gift.

In all cases, you should consult with your personal tax and legal advisors to ensure your plan achieves your personal goals to maximize the benefits to you.

If you would like to make a gift or learn more about The Endowment at Williamsburg United Methodist Church, contact Nethea Calloway, Finance Manager, at (757) 229-1771 Ext 350 or

Grant Requests

The Endowment Fund of WUMC was established to provide members and friends the opportunity to make charitable gifts that will become a permanent endowment of the church. Income from the Endowment Sub-Funds is intended to supplement programs and ministries of WUMC not funded through the Annual Operating Budget.

Through this grant request, the Endowment Committee seeks funding applications. Completed grant requests must come from an Administrative or Ministry Committee to the WUMC Church Council for review and recommendation. All completed requests recommended by the Church Council will be considered by the Endowment Committee. Requests may be affirmed, modified, or declined by the Endowment Committee.

Please send a completed Grant Request to the Chair of the Church Council. Additional information may be obtained from the Chair of the Endowment Committee.

Questions? Contact the church office at (757) 229-1771. To view/print the Endowment Grant Request Form, click here.


Thanks in great part to members and friends of WUMC over the years, The Endowment today is an important supporting ministry for our facilities, our programs, and our members in their time of need. Consider joining this legacy by supporting The Endowment with your prayers, your service, and your gifts.