What is Stewardship?
At its heart, stewardship is about being responsible caretakers of the gifts God has entrusted to us. It encompasses our use of time, talent, and treasure to serve God and one another in our community. Stewardship is an expression of discipleship, with the profound recognition that everything we have is a gift from God. We are called to manage these gifts wisely and generously, sharing them in ways that further God's kingdom here on Earth.
In practical terms, one of the ways we can exercise stewardship is through an "Estimate of Giving." Often referred to as a "pledge," this is a heartfelt commitment made by our church family members to contribute a specific amount of money over a set period, usually one year. This commitment helps the church plan its ministry activities by providing a predictable stream of income. Through your giving you are enabling over 90 ministries in the Williamsburg area and around the world.
An Estimate of Giving can be adjusted as circumstances change, reflecting the giver's financial ability and spiritual commitment to supporting the church's mission and ministries.
For some, this is a familiar practice, and we thank you for embracing it! For others, this may be a new gesture, and as your spiritual leaders, we recommend it to you. Estimating one’s giving is a way of saying, “Giving back to God matters to me, just as attending to mortgage or tuition payments matters. I will put deliberate thought into it.”
Thank you for your prayers, service, gifts, and witness. You are a vital partner in sharing God’s kingdom by enabling over 90 different ministries serving those in need in the Williamsburg area and around the world.