Zach Griggs
Family Ministries Coordinator
Office: 757-229-1771 ext 109
Zach Griggs joined the staff in 2023 to lead Williamsburg UMC's Children's and Youth Ministries. Zach and his wife, Katie, are both Hampton Roads natives and met in Youth Group before falling in love in their college years. Today they love spending time outdoors and at local museums with their two toddlers, Wilder and Mary Juniper. Zach is a deacon candidate in the Virginia Conference of the UMC and a student at Wesley Theological Seminary, so you're likely to spot him studying and writing papers at a local coffee shop on weekends. He's always excited for a conversation about theology, sharing a good meal with friends, or settling in with a book.
As Family Ministries Coordinator, Zach oversees the spiritual formation of our young disciples from nursery age to 12th grade. He is passionate about forming students to notice God in the ordinary things of life and equipping families to follow Jesus' Way of spreading God's love each day. Zach uses his gifts of shepherding and teaching to invite adult leaders to join in this work through programs for students, including Youth Group, Messy Church, Children's Worship, and fun events throughout the year. Everyone has a place at the table in God's Family, and Zach's goal is to help students, their families, and ministry leaders find their seats so they can join in inviting others to the feast of God's love, justice, and peace.
Reach Zach at zgriggs@williamsburgumc.org.