A relaxed, welcoming space where we gather as a community to share a meal and explore our faith together. We're saving you a seat atThe Table


renew youth group


We believe that God created all of us to live with as much love as possible, to discover how to share our gifts and talents, and to be our true selves.

This is the foundation of Youth formation at Williamsburg UMC. That's why our Youth Group is called reNEW - Nurture, Empower, Welcome. These three elements ground us in our faith that God is with us and remind us that God is also working among us to make new and beautiful things, even where we only see boring, daily life. Together, we engage the Bible to learn from the people who followed God long ago and wonder how God was with them. We look out at the world around us today and ask how God's hope could transform our community. And, we look at ourselves and ask how God might be equipping and calling us to give ourselves to our neighbors.

Youth formation is also about families. We believe every adult in a student's life has a role to play in their spiritual growth. That's why we offer classes and small groups for parents and trusted adults to connect in friendship, share their experiences together, and engage resources on parenting, nurturing spirituality, and more. We are excited to walk alongside your family as you grow in faith together.


Check the latest version of the Family Ministries Calendar for a list of Youth events this season. 


what to expect

HOLISTIC FAITH FORMATION: Our approach goes beyond traditional Bible study. We explore God’s Story through the lens of current events and real-world issues. We also spend time in spiritual practices, artistic projects, and thinking about how God is sending us to serve our neighbors in response to what we learn.

COMMUNITY IMPACT: We're not just about talking; we're about doing. Our youth are actively involved in community service projects, making a tangible difference in the lives of others.

WEEKLY GATHERINGS: Blending Formation and Worship Arts Join us every Sunday from 12:30-2:00pm in the Youth Room for an exciting time of faith, fun, arts, and fellowship. We start with a light lunch and a game before exploring how God is calling us to live with justice through the intersection of Bible stories and our daily lives.

Then, we spend the second half of our time growing in Worship Arts through Music (singing, handbells, instrument ensemble) and other media (drama writing, visual arts, sanctuary decorations). We'll use what we create to help lead the congregation in worship on Sundays throughout each semester.



worship leadership

We believe in empowering Youth to offer their voices and leadership in the church. If you see something you want to try, just tell a pastor and we will get you connected!


Acolytes serve by carrying the symbolic light of Christ in and out of the worship space each Sunday. Our acolytes light candles, including the Advent wreath before Christmas and the Christ candle after Easter, and help with other rituals on special Sundays. They also mentor junior acolytes by teaching and companioning them until they are ready to serve on their own.

Scripture Reader

Readers give voice to the Sacred Stories we explore each Sunday. We all read and tell stories differently, and we are blessed when we hear scripture read by different people, personalities, and perspectives. This is a great way to lead in worship, to hear and proclaim Sacred Stories, and to develop confidence in public speaking.

AV Tech Support

The AV Tech team ensures our services are accessible to everyone, including those who are unable to attend in-person. They operate sound and video streaming to share worship with the community inside and beyond our sanctuary. If you like working with technology and want to go deeper in worship, this role might be for you. Training is available for all who are interested in joining this team.

missional service

We are deeply committed to putting our faith into action and empowering our Youth to engage the needs in our community and the wider world. Through mission initiatives including Souper Bowl of Caring, Winter Shelter, Flood Buckets, and Rise Against Hunger, our students serve alongside the congregation to offer themselves in service to our neighbors in need. Living with God's Mission is about more than just meeting needs; we believe Jesus calls us to develop relationships and serve with people who look and live differently than we do. That's why we're working with our Youth to help them notice and engage the world around them to spread God's love through compassion, justice, and mutual relationships.


Each Summer, our Youth Group travels to another city to encounter God through sharing creative arts and working in mission service with local community organizations. This week-long trip allows our Youth the opportunity to understand the needs of people in a different location and way of life than themselves. When we're not serving, we spend time sharing meals, engage in personal and communal devotions, doing fun activities, and making new friends. Past trips include Richmond and Asheville, and future trips will take us to Washington, DC and beyond.

summer mission trip 2024


Troop 103 is a chartered Scout Troop and has been developing young Scouts into responsible young men since 1924.  Williamsburg United Methodist Church has been home to the troop since 1950 and has been their sponsor since 1984.  Troop 103 is proud to have over 200 Eagle Scouts and WUMC is proud of them!

Learn more about the troop and how you can get involved!

troop 103