2023 Youth Choir Tour

Join Anthony Williams, Associate Director of Music Ministries, and Zach Griggs, Family Ministries Coordinator, as they reflect on the joy of fellowship, meaningful performances, master classes, and thought-provoking discussions that transformed a choir into a family.

by Zach Griggs, Anthony Williams on January 23, 2024


THE CANTICLES OF PRAISE FIRST ANNUAL CHOIR TOUR is something I have been looking forward to for the Youth to experience. For me, music has always been a way that I connect more deeply in my worship, and I was excited for our Youth (6th - 12th grade) to experience that.

The tour provided a multitude of meaningful experiences. It encompassed the joy of fellowship with fellow choir members, the gratification of sharing their musical talents both within and outside of worship services, and a reminder that spiritual growth is a continuous journey requiring practice and dedication.

During the tour, our Youth had the opportunity to perform at various venues, including assisted living facilities, a morning Vacation Bible School program, a theater production, and a joint worship service with another congregation. Each one of these opportunities provided a different experience that allowed them to see how their practiced art form meant so much to those who heard them sing.

The master class proved to be a truly valuable opportunity for our ensemble. It allowed us to witness firsthand how we could further refine our skills and continue to grow even after mastering a particular composition.

Undoubtedly, at the core of our experiences, the time we spent in fellowship played a crucial role in fostering connection and strengthening our bond as a group. I think this goes a long way when you're standing next to people you care about to put something together as complex as performance art.

We left a choir and came back a family! I can't wait to see what our next adventure will hold!

~ Anthony Williams, Associate Director of Music Ministries and Worship Arts

I had the privilege of joining everyone on the choir tour, despite my lack of musical talent. Between musical engagements, we had several discussions on faith and theology. I continue to be impressed with how brilliant our youth are, and the depth of ideas and issues they wonder about.

When we visited the Virginia Science Museum, our group wondered about the intersection of science and faith. They explored how God might be present in the universe, how God is revealed through space exploration and the laws of physics, and even wondered about the ethical implications of future science innovations.

After singing at Richmond's First Baptist Church during Sunday worship, our students were observant and curious about the differences and similarities in worship practice of our two congregations. We noticed architectural differences in the sanctuaries, how language and structure reveal our theology, and dove into some of the complex history of Methodist theology and practice.

Our youth are asking excellent questions that expand my experience of God, and I'm so thankful for being invited to join them on this trip.

-Zach Griggs, Family Ministries Coordinator

Tags: youth, youth choir, music ministry, choir tour

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