Arts & Mission Tour Recap

July 08, 2024

This year, our Youth Mission and Arts tour retreated to the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina, graciously hosted by Helen and Randy Casey-Rutland. Over five days, we spent time in personal and group devotion, learned about mission initiatives in the Ashville area, and did mission work of our own.

On Wednesday, we spent most of the day traveling, getting to know each other better. That evening, we had a powerful devotional on God's justice, setting the tone for the next day.


Thursday was eye-opening as we went on a "Realities of Poverty" tour with leaders from Asheville Poverty Initiative. The Youth saw the daily challenges faced by the unhoused community and learned how groups like API and Twelve Baskets work to provide resources. After the tour, we sang for a senior care program at Mills River UMC and helped serve lunch. In response to their day, the team wanted to take tangible action for the unhoused people they met. Pooling their money, they bought 20 books of bus passes (222 individual rides) to distribute. The students learned to engage with those asking for help, exchanged names, received blessings, and witnessed selfless generosity. Additionally, the Youth were challenged to photograph places where they saw God at work and areas where God's grace was harder to notice, deepening their understanding and their faith.


On Friday, we were up early for a hike at Black Balsam Knob. Along the way, we practiced "terra divina," seeing God in nature before Rev. Helen Casey-Rutland led us in a communion service at the summit. This communion amidst God’s creation helped us to meditate on how God’s justice is visible in the natural world. After descending the mountain, we spent the afternoon swimming in a mountain stream at Sunburst Rocks and participating in fellowship activities around Lake Junaluska. In keeping with the mission and arts theme, our Youth learned to cook dinner together, cutting chicken, making dressing, prepping pasta, and baking cookies! Their teamwork resulted in a wonderful meal they could all be proud of.


On Saturday, we traveled to Fayetteville, NC, where we were warmly hosted by Haymount United Methodist Church, the new home of the Madsen family, who recently relocated from our congregation. The next morning, we had the privilege of helping lead worship with handbells and choir in their beautiful sanctuary. Connecting with the congregation and hearing how they experienced God through our music was truly special. Afterward, we headed back for our Homecoming Concert, where we sang, celebrated, and shared our experiences.


It was a fun and meaningful week for all involved, and the Youth Team is deeply grateful for another wonderful season of choir and worship with our students. We are already looking forward to next year!

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