If These Walls Could Speak: Stories of Impact from Williamsburg UMC

March 07, 2025


The question is a challenging one. It makes me think about the many ministries Williamsburg United Methodist Church has nurtured—ministries I’ve been privileged to be a part of.

In October of 2021, Pastor Dave sent an email asking for volunteers to help, just in case Afghan refugees arrived in Williamsburg. At the time, we didn’t know if they would come, but we wanted to be ready. Susan Sallwasser and I agreed to help, not realizing just how soon that need would become reality. By November 6th, the Sayeed family—soon to be a family of six—arrived, followed by the Rasuli family of four on December 30th.

And I wonder, what if Williamsburg UMC didn’t exist?

Who would have welcomed these families and assured them of emotional and physical support? Who would have enrolled their children in school, helped them connect with social services, and found them housing and furniture? Who would have driven them to medical visits, English classes, and legal appointments? Who would have helped them obtain driver's licenses, get a car, and find jobs?

It was WUMC members who made all of this possible. More than 60 people stepped forward, forming a team to make these families' transition to a new country as smooth as possible. We celebrated the arrival of a baby by throwing a shower, provided babysitting so the mother could attend classes to secure a better job, and offered the unwavering emotional support they needed.

This church—our church—made that happen.

Reaching Beyond Our Walls

The impact of Williamsburg UMC stretches far beyond our town. What if our mission-focused groups, like United Women in Faith, Methodist Men, and our outreach committees, weren’t here?

  • The Good Shepherd Community School in Lusaka, Zambia—7,000 miles away—counts on our support to ensure teachers are paid and students receive an education.
  • In Honduras, hundreds of people rely on medical teams from Williamsburg for care they otherwise wouldn’t receive.
  • In South Sudan, the Abukloi Project, which empowers young people through education, would be without our assistance.
  • Right here at home, over 150 children depend on our Summer Meals Program for lunch, made possible by WUMC volunteers.
  • Head Start students would face the cold without the warm jackets we provide.
  • Families living at Pineapple Inn might go hungry without the crockpot meal ingredients WUMC members donate.

Without a Church Building, What Would Be Lost?

And what if our building wasn’t here? Where would people go when they need a place to gather, to grow, to be cared for?

  • The homeless would have nowhere to stay during Winter Shelter.
  • AA groups would lose a meeting space.
  • Our Respite Care program—offering social connection for dependent seniors and respite for caregivers—would cease to exist.
  • The youth would have no place to gather.
  • Exercise classes that bring people together physically and socially would disappear.
  • There would be no meeting rooms for committees dedicated to making Williamsburg, and the world, a better place.
  • Musicians would have no place to practice and offer their gifts to God.
  • There would be no Sunday School rooms, Bible studies, support groups, or Kids Morning Out.
  • Our beautiful sanctuary—where we worship, baptize, marry, and grieve—would be gone.

A Place of Impact

Williamsburg UMC isn’t just a building. It’s a place where lives are transformed. It’s where we give and receive spiritually, emotionally, and practically. It’s where we are inspired to go out into the world and be the hands and feet of Christ.

Our church building is a holy space. It is up to all of us to care for it—not just for today, but for the generations to come.

~ Jeanne Niebel

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