Meet Melody Nichols - WUMC Local Outreach Committee Chair

August 12, 2024

Welcome to the epicenter of community involvement at Williamsburg United Methodist Church! Our Local Outreach Committee, led by Melody Nichols, serves as the cornerstone of our commitment to embodying Christ's love beyond our sanctuary walls. We firmly believe that faith is not merely a personal journey but a transformative force that compels us to engage with the world around us.

Through a wide array of volunteer opportunities, we strive to be the hands and feet of Christ in our local community. From food drives and winter coat collections to specialized programs for the marginalized, we offer avenues for everyone to get involved. Our initiatives are designed to provide immediate relief, foster long-term relationships, and empower individuals and families toward self-sufficiency.

Melody shares in her video interview how these efforts have touched lives, not just by providing essential resources but by empowering individuals and families toward self-sufficiency. She highlights how, through our collective efforts, we’ve been able to support the homeless, welcome refugees, and contribute to the well-being of children in our area.

There’s a place for everyone in our outreach initiatives, and Melody’s passion for this work shines through as she invites each of us to find our own way to serve. Together, we are building a stronger, more compassionate community.


Tags: local outreach

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