A relaxed, welcoming space where we gather as a community to share a meal and explore our faith together. We're saving you a seat atThe Table

small groups & studies

It was rare to see Jesus teaching a single individual. Most of the time, Jesus taught within a group of people. Thus, it is important for us to learn in community. Consider taking part in Sunday School, the Pastors' Bible Study, short-term and long-term studies, and more to learn from the Christ found in community and from each other.
Contact Deacon Troy Sims for more information ( or 757-229-1771 x258).

Bible / Theology Studies

Embark on an enriching journey of faith with our Bible Studies. These studies are designed for those who are looking to invest more time in understanding God, themselves, and each other, and they often span multiple weeks or even months. Explore the accordions below to find a study that aligns with your spiritual goals and join us in these transformative sessions.

When: Sundays, Sept 15, 22, 27, and Oct 6, 12:15pm
Where: Rm 303

Care to get to know the busy life of WUMC better? Are you perhaps curious about joining your story with that of our historic church? We invite you to attend this "get connected" discussion of ways to engage with one another and in the life and ministry at Williamsburg UMC.

Questions? Contact Deacon Troy Sims ( ), Pastor Meghan Roth Clayton ( ), or Pastor Dave Rochford ( ) or call at 757-229-1771.


When: Sundays at 9:30am beginning Sept 15
Where: Room 102

The gospel according to John offered its first hearers a new language – of being born from above, of living water, of wind and spirit – insights that enhance how we understand the divine, how we experience the world, and how we participate in the mystery of faith. The Bishop McKendree Sunday School Class invites you to participate in the study of this important book led by Rev. Charles Swadley using the new book written by Amy-Jill Levine. To get connected to the class leaders, contact Deacon Troy Sims ( ).

Set Free to Live Free! - a Thoughtful Consideration of Paul’s Letter to the Galatians

When & Where

  • Wednesdays, beginning September 18 from 7:00-8:30pm in Rm 103 &
  • Thursdays, beginning September 19 from 10:30-12:00pm via Zoom

Join Pastor Dave and a cheery band of travelers for a journey back to the time when the Christian faith was strange, challenging, and radically new! We will spend six weeks on an intensive study of Galatians, one of the very earliest writings of the New Testament (dating to about the year 49 AD). We will also pause to consider fundamentally-relevant questions that all us humans face:

  • What does it mean to be free?
  • How do you enjoy freedom?
  • How can a person be good…and how good do you have to be to avoid trouble and still be "free?"

Concerned with essential, shaping realities of the Christian life, Paul’s Letter to the Galatians is full of wisdom, encouragement - and some rather sharp cautionary notes!

As our nation wrestles with notions of personal and political freedom this Fall, consider joining us for an in-person Wednesday night study at 7pm in Rm 103 (downstairs in our Education wing) or on-line Thursday mornings (on Zoom, from 10:30am). No book is needed except your Bible! Expect to enjoy the trip, be challenged, and discover that the Christian faith is still strange, challenging, and radically new!

With any questions, contact Pastor Dave Rochford ( ) or Deacon Troy Sims ( ).

THIS CLASS IS FULL, but contact Deacon Troy Sims to be put on a waiting list in case anyone drops.

When: 4 Thursdays, 6:30-7:30pm beginning Sept 19
Where: Room 206 (Resource Rm)

Think about your prayer life. Do you struggle with a short attention span, a restless body, or a tendency to live in your head? Are you bored with the same old prayers? This may be a way to invigorate your prayer life and approach God in a new and meaningful way, bringing a sense of fun and delight into your prayer time. Join Gwen Hinton & Linda Upshaw to learn about and practice Praying in Color. All you need is a copy of the book, Praying in Color by Sybil MacBeth, paper, and colored pencils (you can also augment with gel pens or markers). Space is limited, so register soon! To get connected to the class leaders, contact Deacon Troy Sims ( ).


Biblical Conversations About Race/Ethnicity (BCARE) groups are designed to facilitate meaningful, Biblically-based conversations about race and ethnicity among individuals of different ethnic backgrounds and skin colors. The book, One Blood: Parting Words to the Church on Race and Love by Dr. John M. Perkins is used as the foundation for the conversations in a focus on God’s call for unity in God's Kingdom and what the Bible actually says about race, ethnicity, and justice.

The BCARE experience involves 8 weeks of group meetings for discussion, and groups are limited to 12 people with the intention of keeping them balanced in terms of age, race, and ethnicity. The greater your flexibility in terms of days / times of group meetings increases the opportunity of being placed in one of the upcoming groups scheduled for September 2024.

If interested, please complete the form below to have your contact information added to the database, and your request will be shared with the BCARE leadership. You will receive an email invitation to our next round of BCARE groups and notification.

Although this group is not led by WUMC, we support this important work of breaking down the walls of racism and are grateful for the WUMC folks who have take part in previous groups.


When: Sundays, 2:00-3:30pm beginning Oct 20
Where: Room 352

This is a 24-week, in-depth study of the entire story of the Bible based around the theme of “covenant.” Together, we’ll learn from our biblical ancestors how to create, live, and trust God's covenant with us, finding ways to live more fully into that Covenant. But more than a Bible study, it's also a time to learn how to do Bible study. No previous study background required. Space is limited, though! Each participant will need a Study Guide. We encourage you to purchase the guide for yourself (we'll email you links to where it is available), or the church can order you a copy for $45. For more info, contact Deacon Troy Sims (757-229-1771, x258 or ) who will be leading the study.


Each Fall, WUMC offers long-term, in-depth studies of the Bible that focus not only on studying Scripture but also on developing deeper covenant relationships with God and each other, which leads to more fruitful discipleship. Some examples of studies offered in the past (and that may be offered in the future include):

  • Covenant Bible Study
    This 24-week in-depth group Bible Study invites participants to read and discuss the Bible together to learn how to love God and each other better. Participants will study the entire story of the Bible while considering the covenant God creates with us, inviting us to live into and trust that covenant as a community.
    Prerequisite: None
  • Disciple I: Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study
    This first in the Disciple series serves as the basis for all other studies in the Disciple family that follow. Over the course of 34 weeks, this covers some 80% of the Bible, following the biblical story from Creation to the New Jerusalem. We have started using the aforementioned Covenant Bible Study in place of Disciple I as the prerequisite for the following classes.
    Prerequisite: None
  • Disciple II: Into the Word Into the World
    This 32-week study offers a deep examination of Genesis, Exodus, Luke, and Acts, emphasizing the rhythm of coming to God and going for God – approaching all experiences of life as opportunities for faithful witness and service.
    We recommend that you take Covenant or Disciple I before Disciple II.
  • Disciple III: Remember Who You Are
    In the Old Testament Prophets and the Letters of Paul, this 32-week study examines the connection between memory and identity as the people of God. Participants will find common themes, including calls to remember, calls to repent, calls for renewal, and calls for community.
    We recommend that you take Covenant or Disciple I before Disciple III.
  • Disciple IV: Under the Tree of Life
    The phrase, “under the tree of life,” conveys the promise of finding shelter, security, and rest in God’s love. In this 32-week study of Old Testament writings, the Gospel of John, the Epistles of John, James, and Jude, and finally Revelation, participants will see the entire process of living toward final completion of rest and reward.
    We recommend that you take Covenant or Disciple I before Disciple IV.
  • Jesus in the Gospels
    Known as a “Second Generation Disciple Study,” this 30-week study looks at the four gospels side-by-side and asks the question, "Who is the Jesus that you see?” As a group, participants encounter Jesus who is both hard to ignore and hard to put in a box.
    We recommend that you take Covenant or Disciple I before Jesus in the Gospels.
  • Christian Believer: Knowing God With Heart and Mind
    This 30-week study focuses on “orthodox” theology using the Bible along with the writings, symbols, and hymns of patriarchs and matriarchs of the Christian faith.
    We recommend that you take Covenant or Disciple I before Christian Believer.

For more information about long-term, in-depth studies of the Bible like the above, contact Deacon Troy Sims (  or 757-229-1771).


Our Adult Sunday School classes meet in person from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Sunday mornings. A few of our classes also offer Zoom. Childcare is available during the Sunday School hour and during both worship services. Expand the sections below to learn more about our class offerings. If you would like to join a class, contact Deacon Troy Sims ( or 757-229-1771, x258), and he'll get you connected to the class leaders.


Aldersgate Fellowship meets in Wesley Hall and is currently exploring various topics.


Named for an early WUMC pastor who later became a bishop, this class meets in Rm 102 but is currently on Summer break. It will return September 8, 2024 where attendees will share about their Summer adventures!

Then, on September 15, join the class for an in-depth study of the Gospel according to John. This gospel offered its first hearers a new language – of being born from above, of living water, of wind and spirit – insights that enhance how we understand the divine, how we experience the world, and how we participate in the mystery of faith. The Bishop McKendree Sunday School Class invites you to participate in this study of this important book led by Rev. Charles Swadley using the new book written by Amy-Jill Levine


This class meets in Room 174 and begins Christianity & World Religions on Sunday, August 18, 2024. The Marvin Willard Sunday School invites you to explore four religions - Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Judaism - considering their similarities and differences to Christianity. In examining these major world religions, the goal is to build bridges with others so that we might grow in our faith, seek peace in our world, love our neighbors, and find positive ways to share the gospel.

They are named for their long-time leader, Marvin Willard.


The class usually meets in Rm 171, and it is a class invites discovery and diversity of thought as we deepen our faith. This group is designed to meet the needs of our growing church with working-age adults with or without family responsibilities, but it is open to all.

This class is currently on Summer break, but join them for their new study:
ENHANCING OUR EFFECTIVENESS: Communication & Conflict Styles
Sundays, Sept 8-29, 9:30-10:30am | Rm 171
Join the Perspectives Sunday School Class to explore how understanding your preferred communication style can enhance your personal skills. To be truly effective, it’s essential to recognize the communication and conflict styles of others, which may differ from your own. By learning about these different styles, you’ll lay the groundwork for cultivating peace in your relationships and community. For the best experience, we encourage you to attend all four weeks of the class. To get connected to the class leaders, contact Deacon Troy Sims ( ).


Searches class meets in Room 303 and via Zoom. They will begin Wrestling With Doubt: Finding Faith on Sunday, September 8, 2024. Everyone has doubts, and too often, we treat doubt as the enemy of faith. But uncertainty doesn’t mean our trust in God is lacking. Doubt can be a path to a deeper, richer encounter with God. Join the Searchers Sunday School as they wrestle with doubt and find faith - trust, not certainty; mystery rather than simple answers. 


A Small Group experience for a deepened experience of the Christian journey of faith as participants support one another. This group is currently meeting in the Den.

Small Groups




Nursery care is available at both the 8:15am and 11:00am services, as well as during the Sunday School hour, for children Pre-K and younger. Your little ones can be dropped off and picked up in our Seedlings Classroom found on the 1st floor down the hall from our Sanctuary. Not sure where that is?  No worries!  Just follow the signs or ask one of our greeters! 

Our paid nursery staff and volunteers have years of childcare experience, are fully background checked, and trained according to Safe Sanctuaries best practices. *Safe Sanctuaries is a program developed by the United Methodist Church to protect children and vulnerable adults. To view WUMC’s policy tailored to our local context, see below.


At Williamsburg UMC, we design worship for all ages to respond and grow in deeper relationship with the God who is always reaching out to us in love. Following the Moment of Teaching during the 11am service, our children grades K-4 are invited to Children’s Worship. We’ll gather in the Children’s Worship Space next to the sanctuary to explore a Bible story, sing songs, and respond to God through crafts and games. Kids will return to the sanctuary to sit with their families following the sermon.


Join us every Sunday from 12:30-2:00 pm in the Youth Room for an exciting blend of faith, fun, and fellowship. We start by playing games and sharing a meal before exploring a Bible story through study, creativity, prayer, and wondering how God is calling us to love our neighbors.

Please contact Zach Griggs ( or 757-229-1771, x 251) for questions regarding children and youth ministries.

We are a Safe Sanctuaries church, to view our policy, see below.



Here are some good options!

New Interpreter's Study Bible

HarperCollins Study Bible

The CEB Study Bible

New Oxford Annotated Bible

And here is a commentary you might consider: Women's Bible Commentary