A relaxed, welcoming space where we gather as a community to share a meal and explore our faith together. We're saving you a seat atThe Table

Society of Simeon & Anna

Society of Simeon & Anna

April 9, 2025 12:00am

Contact: Troy SimsTroy Sims | 757-229-1771 ext. 258

Join together in a time of fellowship with a snack, guided prayer and meditation, discussion of a book, and Holy Communion. More than a study group, this small group experience is a time to develop relationships with others in the church while getting a chance to live into life-giving spiritual practices. And as Simeon and Anna waited with trusting expectation of the coming of Christ, this group is designed to help us wait and trustingly expect to experience Christ in our daily lives.

Gatherings will usually take place in the homes of group members (though you don't have to host in your home to participate) and will generally meet on the same day of each month (i.e. first Monday or second Wednesday). In addition, though you wouldn't be required to lead the discussion to participate, group members are encouraged to lead discussions.

Our first book will be one that has been recommended by our very own Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson of the Virginia Conference of the UMC. She is encouraging all churches in the Conference to read it this year. It is Marjorie J. Thompson's Soul Feast: An Invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life. This book offers a framework for understanding the spiritual disciplines as well as instruction for developing and nurturing those practices, and for the first session, we'll be considering the Forewards, Introduction, and Chapter 1. We encourage you to purchase the book for yourself (though we can order the book for you for $15, and scholarships may be available).

When: Second Wednesdays of the Month from 6:30-8:30pm coordinated by Rev. Helen Casey-Rutland.

Space is limited to 9 people per group.

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