February 19, 2025 5:30pm
Contact: Zach GriggsZach Griggs | 757-229-1771 ext 109
reNEW Youth will be serving dinner on Wednesday during WUMC’s week of hosting Winter Shelter. All youth in grades 6-12 are invited to participate in preparing and serving the meal. This is a great way to practice the justice and compassion we have been focusing on in Youth Group and to be present with our unhoused neighbors in Williamsburg.
Please let us know your student would like to be a part of this missional opportunity by emailing Zach Griggs at zgriggs@williamsburgumc.org.
**Parents—Due to the nature of this service opportunity, please walk your students inside the main entrance to join our group in the lobby. If you are arriving late, please walk your students downstairs to Rm. 174.**